I am
...getting rained on in Tokyo.
...old enough to drink alcohol but not old enough to know when to stop.
...blogging since 02/22/03.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
A semi-successful holiday I have just returned from a vacation which was more of a location hopping that anything else. Route was: my parents' place - Berlin - Copenhagen - Berlin - Cambridge - London and now finally back in Berlin. All in less than 10 days. Not the most glorious of the ideas conceived by mankind.
It was great seeing all my friends again but it can't have been much fun for them because I apparently have turned autistic since last seeing them and hence have lost any capacity to be pleasant or entertaining even if I go blue in the face with the effort. I mainly sat around with glazed eyes listening to other people's conversations.
On the plus side, I managed to meet up with my ex and realized that I am getting over him. My natural gift of seeing flaws in everyone has magically returned. It also helps that he's currently sporting a Fauxhawk. With bleached hair in the middle.
The fortune teller encounter I was reading a book on a bench when a bearded man with a turban started talking to me about my forehead. Apparently, the present can be read from the piece of skin above my eyebrows. Moving to the palm, Turban Man continued by guessing some other funny tidbits of my life and I was slightly suprised by how far a little bit of empathy can take you. He was amusing enough to give him some money which he claimed was for an orphanage. In return I got a talisman that looks like two bits of hardened play-doh stuck together and the following pearls of wisdom:
Oct-Dec '07 will be lucky for me.
I will meet my soul mate during that time period, even though I am not looking for a man right now.
In 2009 I will start my own company.
Beware of becoming a warrantor.
I shouldn't discuss my plans for the future with too many people.
My mother is a more important part of my life than I currently think.
God is within yourself.
I think too much.
I should drink more milk and water.
I'll revisit this in 2009. Until then, I'll just be offended that he guessed me more than 5 years older than I am. Must have been the dehydrated skin.