I am
...getting rained on in Tokyo.
...old enough to drink alcohol but not old enough to know when to stop.
...blogging since 02/22/03.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Swedish rant Although I was down under, I did not literally drop off the face of the earth, but I wish I could say that because it would make people more sympathetic about the lack of fresh words around here than my real explanation for it: laziness. Coupled with the forgetfulness that comes with age, the funny and interesting moments of my life vaporize quickly before my finger touches the keyboard. Sadly, what doesn't vaporize that easily are the pounds I've added while eating all the TimTams I brought back from Australia. Hopefully, assembling my IKEA furniture will burn off some calories but that won't be any time soon thanks to the wonders of IKEA online shopping which will take more than 4 weeks to deliver after the order was placed.* I read some study where being annoyed enhances your metabolism as well. I'll try that exercise regimen until my stuff arrives.
* That means, the first half of my order. Apparently, unnecessary things such as sofas and wardrobe doors are not a thing that they have in stock and therefore it might take another 6 months or so.
"Meet the new Mr and Mrs..." My cousin's wedding was beautiful containing the anticipated mix of cute little flower girls, embarassing speeches and uncles grooving on the dance floor to 50cent. For me, the whole process would be too much trouble to go through for a ring and a dress that makes you trip over for the whole day. In my opinion, there are only two arguments in marriage's favor:
I could get rid of my unpronouncable last name
I can order hard candy with my name on it as a giveaway for the guests
I don't seem to have any luck in picking men with good last names*, so a sugar high is probably all that I can look forward to.
* my last boy-friend's last name was pronounced very much like "semen" and my current love interest's name sounds like a synonym for abdominal pain.