I am
...getting rained on in Tokyo.
...old enough to drink alcohol but not old enough to know when to stop.
...blogging since 02/22/03.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Sweden experience
Stockholm looks like a giant construction site with piles of dirt and grey ice in the streets but the brilliant sunshine made up for it. It's my first trip to Sweden and all that I have hoped for: beautiful blond men everywhere. Aside from ogling them, I passed time by getting drunk with my friends and spending tons of money because I couldn't be bothered to convert Swedish crowns to euros. However, it is money well spent because it was good to blow off some steam and to realize that human interaction does not always have to lead to death wishes (whether I wish myself or the other person dead varies). It did lead to lots of bruises because TF and I thought violence is a good way of expressing our appreciation for each other and he was no gentleman when he tried to get out of my judo death headlock. Good times.

posted by Bunny at 2:50 PM

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Chemistry: the thing that only happens with the wrong kind of guy
The closest to some action I have gotten lately was at the Amsterdam airport on my way back home. The body search I went through was unusually ...thorough. It's the first time someone actually snapped my bra or put her hands into my pants during a body search. And that procedure was one of my better moments of this week. It was definitely more pleasant than the conversation that I had with my current fling yesterday:
He: Hey, what's up? Here! [holds up something black]
Me: What is that?
He: The sweater you left in my room.
Me: That's not mine!
He: What? But you were the last girl that was... well, uh...
Me: Stop, I get it! But it still isn't mine. Now go away!

I'm planning on having dinner with him next week. Can anyone say: masochist streak?

posted by Bunny at 9:47 PM

Monday, March 20, 2006

Too many languages, not enough time
Sitting in a cozy cafe in Amsterdam, I have never appreciated so much that, one day, our ancestors decided to get out of their caves and invented all those wonderful things that ultimately led to wireless internet.

I've had a lovely weekend in Holland toasting to TF's new job with champagne, roasting marshmellows in Iris's fireplace at her housewarming party and reminiscing with Remy about his see-through linen pants. This was my second "real" visit to Holland but I'm sure there will be many happy returns. For my next visit, I need to learn Dutch though. The only (utterly useless) Dutch phrase I know is "This is my husband" and on Saturday I might have something about whores instead of "You're welcome" by accident.

posted by Bunny at 10:27 AM

Saturday, March 11, 2006

It's a klutz, klutz world
Apparently, birthday parties aren't my thing. It is not only an indirect reminder of your mortality, it could also literally put you in an early grave. I helped a friend to cook for her birthday party and she thanked me by dropping an espresso machine on my face. With the prior alcohol intake it was no big problem: a bleeding nose and profuse excuses later, the party was ready to getting started. As always I had a blast and almost split my head open while dancing (bending backwards while intoxicated is not a good idea as I have already found out at the company Christmas party). Either accidents love me or I love accidents, and true to myself, the evening ended in an accident but it's nothing that any insurance would cover. More news once all my wounds have healed.

posted by Bunny at 12:24 PM

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

27 down but I'm not telling which
Here's the brain child of an afternoon spent in a Cambridgean pub with my best friend RP. It's occupational therapy in numbers: 100 things Annie might do before she dies. It's work in progress, so feel free to give suggestions in the comments.

1. Spend Christmas at a beach
2. Sex at a public place
3. Visit the five continents
4. Eat a guinnea pig/kangaroo/bison/alligator/snake
5. Eat worms/insects/snails
6. Go to a strip club
7. Kick somebody into the crotch
8. Go skinny dipping
9. Enter a food competition
10. Drink a guy under the table
11. Swim in the ice
12. Have a toga party
13. Be the "other" woman
14. Wear a pink/leather mini skirt
15. Step into a dog pile in Paris
16. Eat in restaurants with 50 different cuisines
17. Start and stop smoking
18. Smoke pot and feel it
19. Strip
20. Pee in a front yard
21. Bake a space cake
22. Sing karaoke
23. Dye your hair platinum blond
24. Get a Brazilian wax
25. Get into a fight
26. Get a black eye
27. Learn ballroom dancing
28. Go on a road trip
29. Buy a sex toy
30. Party until 7am and have breakfast
31. Hitchhike/Pick up a hitchhiker
32. Plant a tree
33. Go whitewater rafting
34. Flash your tits at Mardi Gras
35. Fast for a week
36. Speed/Online dating
37. Get lost in the woods (or while hiking)
38. Spend Valentine's Day with someone you love
39. Bungee Jumping
40. Travel on a hot air balloon
41. Impersonating royalty
42. Get licked by a camel/llama
43. Have a blackout and wake up naked
44. Laugh until you pee
45. Dance in a rain storm
46. Kiss someone from the same sex
47. Have a friend with benefits
48. Miss a flight and not care
49. Get hammered from champagne only
50. Eat sheep's testicles
51. Buy a diamond
52. Drunk dial and declare your love
53. Have a cleaner/maid
54. Swim with dolphins
55. Cook a dinner for 30 people
56. Insult a celebrity in person
57. Call into work sick when you're not
58. Fly an airplane
59. Spend time on a deserted island
60. Publish a short story
61. Get drunk with your boss
62. Learn an obscure sport
63. Vent your anger on your belongings
64. Hit on a stranger in a supermarket
65. Crash a party
66. Sew your own clothes/knit a sweater
67. Have dinner at a Michelin star restaurant
68. Invite a homeless person for dinner
69. Fire a gun

posted by Bunny at 9:53 PM

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Same old, same old
I just noticed that I forgot my blog's birthday. But then again I tend to forget all kinds of anniversaries because I find them meaningless. However, this blog has lasted a whole year longer than my longest relationships so I would understand if it withheld sex from me as a punishment for not buying it a present. Luckily, a blog can't do that and this is one of the reasons why our relationship has lasted as long as it already has.

Lots of things have changed since I first started to publish my drivel on the web: I am single, I don't hate my flatmate, I earn money, and I don't binge on coke (the drinkable kind) any more.

Even more things are the same as in 2002: I live in England (again), sit in front of the same old laptop, my diet still consists of frozen pizza and nothing actually happens which is worthwhile to blog about.

These are today's minutiae that "Much Ado" has to put up with:
  • I got an email from the Brussels HR to inform me that they are finally going to pay me last year's bonus. After taxes, I will be able to buy a stick of gum for it. Working hard has never felt so rewarding.
  • At lunch I sat at a table with both the co-worker I claim to find hot to get a break from the wannabe matchmakers in the office and the co-worker that I'm actually attracted to.
  • TF called me and we complained about work for 77 minutes.

    I expect my blog to file for divorce on the grounds of boredom any day now.

    posted by Bunny at 1:47 AM

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