I am
...getting rained on in Tokyo.
...old enough to drink alcohol but not old enough to know when to stop.
...blogging since 02/22/03.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

La boum et le demenagement
My friend came back from his vacation half an hour before the party started so we managed to set up things on time except that everybody had to drink warm beer. No ice cubes were to be found anywhere. Nonetheless, the 20 people that came were reasonably entertained and I fed them Pimm's, a British drink with a slice of cucumber in it with the few ice cubes I found in the freezer. After all, what would a party be without you wondering how the vegetable got into your glass? I was a bit worried to mix the different crowds I hang out with but my childhood friends, high school friends and co-workers got along smashingly. It must have been the booze (about half a liter of strong liquor for each person).

I had a very hangovered Monday filled with box packing and laundry. The most substantial meal I was able to consume was instant soup and my stomach still spasms when I think about alcohol. The moving company just picked up my belongings and now the thick layer of dust is showing so that I have to get down to some serious cleaning. Tomorrow I will head to London and financial ruin. Bye, bye Brussels! I had a great time (despite all the French talking).

posted by Bunny at 1:35 PM

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Don't panic
It's less than two more hours until my farewell party and my colleague, who agreed to have the party at his pad, hasn't returned from his vacation in Southern France yet. About 100 liters of drinks need to be transported from my closet to his place and we have no ice cubes. Of course, I could switch the location to my apartment if it weren't for the myriads of folded and unfolded boxes that are having their own private get together in my place. Even if it weren't for the boxes, there's no way of fitting 20 people into my crammed studio apartment without structural damages to the building. Also, my iron broke so I will sport an all-wrinkled look. And my stomach hurts.

I'm wishing for a time machine so that I could alter the invitations to a toga party in the park. Or wait, why stop there? I should go further back in time and give my mom some information on contraception. This would save us all a heap of trouble. Where is science when you need it?

posted by Bunny at 6:21 PM

Friday, August 26, 2005

Bless technology
When you find something brown on the dinner table, it might not be a dry leaf but a very alive cockroach (especially given the fact that I don't do the "plants in the apartment" thing). It must have flown into the room when I left the balcony door open overnight with the lights on. Holy shit! Where's a boyfriend when you need one?

In the end, I had to solve the problem with my industrial strength vacuum cleaner. I'm paranoid though that this thing has laid eggs all over the place and I will find myself with a bug problem that electrical appliances can't solve. This is another incident where I wish for more non-egg-laying maleness in my life. As a long term fix I should start looking for a way out of singletown. Relationships: a way to make life less disgusting.

posted by Bunny at 1:25 AM

Monday, August 22, 2005

Social suicide
My misanthropic streak is barely over and what do I do? I send out invitations to my farewell party. As if trying to entertain a dozen of people at the same time will help alleviate my anxiety of social ineptness. In the past, I have been known to occasionally throw parties which didn't totally suck including a toga party. But things back at high school were different. When you're young, your guests get hammered no matter what and on the next day they won't remember what a horrible time they had the night before.

You'd think the safest bet for me would be trying to recreate this winning formula by inviting crazy party animals that are up to any drinking game known to humanity. And who do I pick? My team from the Controlling & Finance department. For a Sunday evening. This is doomed to be the worst social event since the establishment of the annual conference of chartered accountants. I might as well buy funny paper hats.

posted by Bunny at 8:10 PM

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Memo to myself: Never go out for dinner with co-workers on your day off
That's more Company X talk on a free day than any sane person can stomach (even when you have Italian food in it).

posted by Bunny at 12:34 AM

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Miffed, not bitter
My personal good luck tank needs indeed refueling but this revelation didn't manifest itself in the shape of a piano crashing down on me. I merely received an unpleasant email from HR.
Many people would argue that equating interaction with HR with a little bit of bad luck is like comparing the plague to a summer cold but I'm still too fresh in the working world to have accumulated enough bitterness towards the most hated department of them all. A couple more months in the corporate game will probably generate an appropriately resentful reaction on my side but until then let me be content with perusing the internet for alternative employment and believing that moving to a place in the shade will help you to cool off in hell.

posted by Bunny at 7:20 PM

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Every dog has its day
The expedition to London has been fruitful. My hunt was rewarded with future roomie S. from South Africa and a nice apartment in Clapham. Neither could I detect a collection of dead birds in the pad nor did the landlady who just phoned sound like she feasts on human flesh, so all's lovely and grand.

I'm still disoriented from my England experience and almost got hit by a car while looking in the wrong direction today but who cares when everything is running smoother than a pair of freshly waxed legs? However, my good luck contingency should be running low so if you find the headlines "Girl dies in freak accident involving banana peel, piano, and winged monkeys" in tomorrow's paper, that'll be me.

posted by Bunny at 9:55 PM

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Pervert or pothead
I'm off to London for the weekend. Good thing I decided not to fly but to take the Eurostar. Purpose of the visit is to look at flatshares for September but most of the guys I talked to on the phone either sound creepy or totally stoned. I really hope it's not a representative sample of London's population, but then again, it probably is... of the male population.

posted by Bunny at 6:40 AM

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Renovation works that should have been completed two months ago
When you unexpectedly find a construction worker on your balcony at 7:40 a.m., it's not very convenient to be wearing nothing but a toothbrush.

posted by Bunny at 10:09 PM

Monday, August 08, 2005

Childhood can ruin you for life, especially if you grew up in the 80s
When I was still single digit, I was pining for Cherry Merry Muffin dolls and would bug my parents until they finally provided the fruit-scented doll of my choice for my birthday: Apple Amy. I've been a sucker for apple scent/flavor and always found the artificial kind to be the more satisfying one. It's a miracle that there are no teeth marks on my Apple Amy, I still wonder how I could go through childhood without trying to take a bite out of her. I imagined it would be as satisfying as when you crunch into a Granny Smith.

Fast forward to Saturday, I found myself in a perfumery instead of a toy shop, with a bottle of this in my hand, unable to part with it. Since then, I have been ridiculed over the name of the fragrance, people literally trying to sink their teeth into me and me feeling all cutesy-girly (which I never am, so this is really messed up. Thank god, I don't own any parasols and floating dresses, otherwise I'd be twirling them while running over a flower field). Then I bought another perfume called happy. At that time, my inner cynic was already lying on the floor with a deformed head from banging it against the wall too much.

I'm scared. What if I exhaust my life supply of happy-happy-joy-joy in the next couple of days? What if there's no more after this excess? I better paint my apartment black and listen to Portishead again. More suggestions for melancholy inducement are very welcome.

posted by Bunny at 10:29 AM

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Better than Disneyland
The weekend consisted mainly of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll (but not in that sequence). Did various things that either increased or lowered my self-esteem so that I'm back at the point of departure but it was one hell of a rollercoaster ride. I think I've never had such a crazy weekend in Brussels before. I'm sorry to leave so soon.

posted by Bunny at 11:05 PM

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Final Countdown
The last month in Belgium has started and there are plenty of things to be taken care of before I ditch the good old Brussels for swinging London. I'm stressing myself out over this because time flies by so fast without me getting anything done. The worst thing about going to another city is moving out and finding another apartment.

When I was apartment hunting in Brussels last year, I actually looked at one where dead cockroaches were lying in the middle of the kitchen floor and when I pointed this out, the landlord only said: "Oh, these can be swept away."
So you can imagine that I'm not looking forward to enter any more vermin-infested shitholes, although one could expect the English bug or rat to be slightly more polite than the continental ones.

A friend forwarded me an email with the perfect apartment and I just talked to my potential new roomie and we agreed that I should come to London next weekend and meet her. If I'd been born as a dog, I'd be a canine helicopter with my tail as a propeller, that's how excited I am. Of course, it's too good to be true, so when we meet the roomie will most likely turn out to be a collector of dead birds but I decided that I will be happy until I find out about it. This is the best PMS cure ever.

posted by Bunny at 7:53 PM

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