I am
...getting rained on in Tokyo.
...old enough to drink alcohol but not old enough to know when to stop.
...blogging since 02/22/03.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Doing my bit for the economy
I'm still in reckless spending mode which translates into planning weekend trips to the mainland and ordering a gaming device that I will mainly use for watching Arrested Development on my daily commute. To compensate, I had to spend my last couple of evening in a more economical manner than usual but it did come at a cost: apparently I stuffed my face with too much dinner at a friend's place that the "inhale to pop open"-blouse that I was wearing that night gave way to a view of the plainest bra in my possession. In front of four people I see at work every day. The shame. So I will probably be shopping for underwear this weekend. Next time I'll expose myself involuntarily, at least could look hot.

posted by Bunny at 10:33 PM

Friday, October 21, 2005

Blog before dating
In last night's conversation with my flatmate, I realized that there is no flattering nickname for a guy who works for Microsoft. And this is why, among other reasons, I will need to see less of Micro Man in future.

posted by Bunny at 10:35 PM

Thursday, October 20, 2005

From A to C
After the Odyssee to Amsterdam, I opted for something simpler last weekend: After spending four years on another continent, my best friend RP not only decided to come and live in the same country that I'm currently in. We talked, we cooked, we went shopping. Unfortunately, the warm fuzzy feeling from spending my entire savings on a 2 day shopping daze in Cambridge wore off quickly when I was flung back into the harsh reality of office life. Not even my newly acquired cashmere sweater can keep our the chill that runs through my spine when the scary Finnish temp passes my desk. What makes it worse is that the embodiment of cheerlessness is far from neutralized by the new perky manager who chirps "Bless me" whenever she sneezes. Open-plan office has never been a worse idea. Time to find out if twenty-somethings are eligible for Company X's early retirement scheme.

posted by Bunny at 10:46 PM

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Harry and Sally...not
Last Friday Belgium decided to go on general strike. Last Friday was also the day I was supposed to go to Amsterdam via Brussels. Instead of seeing the omen of a small European country trying to prevent me from reaching my destination, I made a friend pick me up in France (which was as far as the Eurostar would go) and we drove with a bunch of other peeps to Holland and visited TF.

It was a pleasure to see TF and his hair again. He managed to entertain me with stories about going out with stewardesses. The rest of the weekend was a story in itself, a story about car keys locked in the car, a boring concert and being hit on by a lesbian without noticing it. The cherry on the cake was my unsuccessful attempt to convince my friends that my interaction with TF is merely platonic. General belief seems to be that guys and girls can only be friends if at least one of them is hideously deformed. In the overall snickering, they somehow forgot that I totally look the part since I've gone off the pill. Happy belated puberty to me.

posted by Bunny at 10:26 PM

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Staying out of the office gossip
Still no broadband at home. This is starting to wear me down. Another thing wearing me down is the social life that I have acquired out of lack of alternatives to pass time. Lindy hop is still a blast even though I almost puked onto my dance partner's shoes due to exhaustion*. However, this is nothing compared to the thin ice I'm on when going out with co-workers. I have a policy of "Don't dip your pen into company ink"** but it's hard when I'm surrounded by all these handsome co-workers. On Friday, all I could to do to adhere to my policy was forcefully twisting away a drunk colleague's face to prevent his lips from sucking my face. I felt quite bad about it until he went home with another girl. With some luck he has forgotten our embarassing interlude and we don't have to ignore each other when meeting at the water cooler on Monday.

* the kind of exhaustion you usually feel after running 2k with a sadistic Phys Ed teacher cheering you on.
** Please note that it's only a metaphorical pen, in real life I'm all girl parts...

posted by Bunny at 5:44 PM

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