I am
...getting rained on in Tokyo.
...old enough to drink alcohol but not old enough to know when to stop.
...blogging since 02/22/03.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
The weekend in Switzerland has long gone by but I have been unable to sit down in front of my computer to blog. Why? Because it takes two hands to hold my PSP and unless I'm reincarnated as a Hindu goddess, this makes typing rather difficult. It's a shame that - due to a combination of alcohol and a memory that was not so great to begin with - I only recall fragments of my escapades in London and trips to the mainland but I will try to piece everything together as good as I can (not necessarily in chronological order):
Weekend in Brussels Visited friend for his birthday party. Mixture of Belgian beer and cocktails put me into bed quite early. Woke up to find myself lying next to said friend whose boxers were lying beside the bed. He still wore his T-shirt and socks and didn't remember how he'd gotten into bed nor why his abdomen was exposed. I myself was still fully dressed. Thank god. Later that day I realized I'd forgotten to pack any spare underwear. Corrected the situation in the closest department store: spent loads of money on my first pair of sexy underwear.
At the Wir sind Helden concert They rocked, we had fun, I sucessfully hid from Micro Man who had also tickets for the show and stood two meters in front of me. I got an autograph from two band members and kissed the guitarist (on the cheek).
The White House Do try the Frozen Strawberry Collins there.
Welcome to Hotel Annie Captain Chaos pretended to visit me but in reality looked at his potential university and met other friends. He gave me chocolate to make up for it. The chocolate was nice.
Switzerland Walked in the snow with new boots. Got blisters. Bought sneakers. Walked in the snow some more.
Two dinner parties Initially I cooked for six guests, in the end the Thai curry fed thirteen people. A week later, my friend told me that she was still fantasizing about the curry. This either means that she is seriously undernourished or pregnant. I don't know which is worse. At the second dinner two big bowls of bread were left uneaten from the cheese fondue. The gang was less bashful about comsuming the available alcohol. The result was that A1 started calling one of our friends "hot Asian tiger" and demanded that he and the Columbian fought for who gets to make out with me before she fell asleep on the couch. Nobody made out with anyone. When I drifted off myself, my dentist friend suggested I snort instant coffee powder, a remedy to fatigue he intended to apply to himself on the following morning when he would drill holes into people's teeth. From now on, I will book all my dentist appointments in the afternoon.
posted by Bunny at 8:39 PM
Monday, August 08, 2005
Childhood can ruin you for life, especially if you grew up in the 80s When I was still single digit, I was pining for Cherry Merry Muffin dolls and would bug my parents until they finally provided the fruit-scented doll of my choice for my birthday: Apple Amy. I've been a sucker for apple scent/flavor and always found the artificial kind to be the more satisfying one. It's a miracle that there are no teeth marks on my Apple Amy, I still wonder how I could go through childhood without trying to take a bite out of her. I imagined it would be as satisfying as when you crunch into a Granny Smith.
Fast forward to Saturday, I found myself in a perfumery instead of a toy shop, with a bottle of this in my hand, unable to part with it. Since then, I have been ridiculed over the name of the fragrance, people literally trying to sink their teeth into me and me feeling all cutesy-girly (which I never am, so this is really messed up. Thank god, I don't own any parasols and floating dresses, otherwise I'd be twirling them while running over a flower field). Then I bought another perfume called happy. At that time, my inner cynic was already lying on the floor with a deformed head from banging it against the wall too much.
I'm scared. What if I exhaust my life supply of happy-happy-joy-joy in the next couple of days? What if there's no more after this excess? I better paint my apartment black and listen to Portishead again. More suggestions for melancholy inducement are very welcome.
posted by Bunny at 10:29 AM
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Final Countdown The last month in Belgium has started and there are plenty of things to be taken care of before I ditch the good old Brussels for swinging London. I'm stressing myself out over this because time flies by so fast without me getting anything done. The worst thing about going to another city is moving out and finding another apartment.
When I was apartment hunting in Brussels last year, I actually looked at one where dead cockroaches were lying in the middle of the kitchen floor and when I pointed this out, the landlord only said: "Oh, these can be swept away." So you can imagine that I'm not looking forward to enter any more vermin-infested shitholes, although one could expect the English bug or rat to be slightly more polite than the continental ones.
A friend forwarded me an email with the perfect apartment and I just talked to my potential new roomie and we agreed that I should come to London next weekend and meet her. If I'd been born as a dog, I'd be a canine helicopter with my tail as a propeller, that's how excited I am. Of course, it's too good to be true, so when we meet the roomie will most likely turn out to be a collector of dead birds but I decided that I will be happy until I find out about it. This is the best PMS cure ever.
posted by Bunny at 7:53 PM
Monday, July 18, 2005
A long week that made me realize that I needed a plan Lots of stuff has been going on in the offline world. Having booked a flight to a city whose public transportation system has been bombed the prior morning was quite a weird start into what became a good week after all. After a very long misunderstanding at Heathrow involving TF being at the only terminal which required a 20 minute cab ride to meet up with him and a 50 pound ride later we were in London and meeting up with our crazy colleague at whose place we were crashing for the weekend.
Fast forward.
Friday: drinks, dancing, stumbling to the bathroom (a lot), earlybird chinese food, nightbus home. Saturday: bed, bacon, toast and eggs, buying boxershorts, putting on a mask, going to a mask party, helping a drunk friend to find her jacket and down the stairs, pouring whisky into a grill to fire up a barbeque. Sunday: more BBQ, pub, Monday: driving to the place that is to be my office in September.
Monday evening, Company X had a social sport event with some English game that is like baseball except that you don't get a catching glove and that the bat is half as long as a baseball bat because those English folks are crazy bitches. And we even made it to the quarter finals against them without having played it before ever. The price for that was that I had such sore muscles that Ihad to take one of my leg with my hands and swing it over the other one to cross my legs for the next few days.
Fast forward again.
I had a training, we made an HR person cry, worked some more, I met some boy from the mask party at the London Bridge, went to see David Schwimmer in Some Girl(s), went to a music festival, had dinner in Brick Lane, drank some more alcohol and took a plane back to Brussels on Sunday.
By now, I'm so broke that I don't know how I will actually manage to live in London with my meager salary as a corporate drone. But I have a plan now: I will stop eating. This will free up some cash for partying. Alcohol has calories, too, y'know. And if I ever need vitamins, I can order a cocktail. Cheers.
posted by Bunny at 11:45 PM
Monday, May 09, 2005
Spring has left its marks on me as well Since TF left for his new job in Amsterdam, I have to eat my microwave dinners all by myself. Short story short: After a couple of beers on Wednesday night, I thought it would be a good idea to call TF on his Dutch cell phone to tell him that I miss him. TF: Hello? Me: Hi, how are you? Well, I'm just calling because ... TF: Oh, hey! It's you. [jokingly] I already missed you.
After that, the "I missed you, too." did not come out quite right and I had the most expensive chat about work ever. Some goddess of love, however, thought that I deserved a second chance and she arranged for TF to come to Brussels on Sunday. During a dinner with some friends, we got to talk a little. TF: It was nice of you to call me on Wednesday. Me: Oh, that was just because I was drunk.
I think Meg Ryan will play me in the romantic movie.
posted by Bunny at 11:02 PM
Saturday, March 05, 2005
No bet lost yet On Friday night, I went to a Mexican restaurant with some friends that happen to work at Company X as well but in a different department. After a bad week at my job and evenings spent in front of the TV, it was good to interact with people again, who don't make me picture myself poking a knitting needle into my brain. Over a couple of cocktails, I learnt that due to my vacation end of February and my misanthropic stance in March, I've missed the latest rumors: apparently, I have a French boyfriend working on the second floor. Of course, these are all lies, although I do find the person in question to be quite cute. If my wallet hadn't been stolen, I could check whether I already put him on my list of "All the guys that I've been more than mildly attracted to (a chronological order)". Now this list is lost forever. In a couple of years I won't remember which hot guys have briefly brightened up my miserable life by their mere existence any more. The god of irony probably thought it would be funny when I compiled that list on the back of a Memory card.
posted by Bunny at 8:10 PM
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