I am
...getting rained on in Tokyo.
...old enough to drink alcohol but not old enough to know when to stop.
...blogging since 02/22/03.

Saturday, November 27, 2004
Yesterday the meat, today a plumber who's singing the French version of "My way" in my kitchen: Mornings are just not my time of the day
It made a weird start of the day to step into meat on my way to work on Friday. There's no way someone could just have lost an unwrapped, raw pork chop in the middle of the sideway so the most plausible explanation I've come up with involves a butcher with a penchant for cross-dressing:
The butcher sleepwalks through the shop, bumps into a table, meat falls down, he step onto it, the pork chop gets caught in his left high heel. When he awakens from the crisp morning air*, he finds himself in the middle of the streets with an old lady turning the corner. It's of major interest for the butcher not to be seen by Madame Dupont who buys a veal escalope in his shop every Friday, so he flees. Running in high heels is hard enough without dead animal attached to your shoes. And that's how the meat got onto the street.
*Garters and a bra do not make a good winter outfit, especially when combined with a see-through negligee only.
posted by Bunny at 10:42 AM


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