I am
...getting rained on in Tokyo.
...old enough to drink alcohol but not old enough to know when to stop.
...blogging since 02/22/03.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Bad karma strikes again
The move went as predicted: disorder, confusion, chaos. Moreover, it isn't over. I was allowed to put my stuff in the apartment but the landlord wouldn't give me the keys yet. I hope that I can finally move in tonight. If you like me, this is the time to make an offering to the god of your choice. I think virgins, chickens, fruit baskets or the likes are appropriate. Atheists can cross their fingers for me instead. Thank you.

posted by Bunny at 1:57 PM

Monday, August 30, 2004

Today's "to do": Carrying a lot of boxes, driving to Brussels, nervous break-down
Okay, breathe deep, focus...
Trying to brace myself against "The Move" is like not minding a hippo to tap-dance a musical on your intestines. Too bad that I won't have any internet to document the havoc tonight.

In order to take my mind off the forebodings of doom yesterday, I met with an old friend that I haven't seen for a long time. As one of his friend works at Deutsche Post, we did some sightseeing and got into the the Posttower, looked at lots of foreign mailboxes and enjoyed the panorama. The real object of interest in the Posttower were the high-tech elevators though. Going up and down so fast, it almost felt like riding a roller coaster. Interestingly enough, the speed of the elevators had already been reduced after frequent incidents of stopping them after lunch to let "the cleaners mop up".

posted by Bunny at 7:24 AM

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Memo to self: switch to e-books
Lots of boxes. And then more boxes. How will they ever fit into the Jeep? As a minimalist, I might have thrown away my fourth grade math tests but I cannot bring myself to part with any books. But who would? You can never have too many books. I just wished all that paper wouldn't be so heavy.
The only "useless" stuff I allow myself is a box full of old diaries, letters and photos. Until I get an internet connection in Brussels, I'll have a trip down memory lane next week. My kind of vacation.

posted by Bunny at 11:20 PM

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Apologies to my nose
I've managed to balance a teaspoon on my nose successfully for the first time. The only other time I tried this, I failed miserably. It was an exercise during a canoe trip in the States more than five years ago. At that time I had a major crush on a Swiss exchange student who could stick a million spoons to his nose, wonderful as he was. Moreover, I was a city girl that almost hit him with the oar on several occasions. These things did not commend me to him.

The only way I could call his attention to myself was by burning my neck with a campfire spark that got caught in my turtleneck. Contrary to my romantic hopes though, his tending my wound wasn't an interlude to a crazy love story. For the rest of the trip I bemoaned that his heart would have been mine if I'd only been more skillful with spoons. That's how the shape of my nose deprived me of a formative experience in my adolescence.

In retrospect, I find my nose "not guilty". It had been the spoon's fault after all. Next time I happen to meet a great guy I just need to dip the teaspoon into a sticky dessert before performing the spoon trick.

posted by Bunny at 11:53 PM

Monday, August 23, 2004

Technology to the rescue
Coping with singledom can be difficult. When I move to a new city in a foreign country, there won't be any strong male shoulder to lean on. So what will fill the gaping void in my life?
But I needn't despair: humanity has invented numerous electric devices to substitute men. Today I bought one on sale. I haven't tried it yet but I suspect it to be gruesomely noisy. On the positive side, the vacuum cleaner will kill spiders without making derisive remarks about my prissiness. Now the boyfriendless world holds no horrors anymore.

posted by Bunny at 1:39 PM

Sunday, August 22, 2004

"Repeat after me: You are in control, you can do this!"
Besides trying to handle the complexity of life by splitting my tasks into the bullet points of a "to do" list, I drink a lot of water and try to learn Dutch. It's all I can do to stay sane. Moving back with the parents is equivalent to a trip to Neverland. It's a place where you'll never grow up. Ever.

posted by Bunny at 1:45 PM

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Lease contract, current account, health insurance, registration in the commune...
Adulthood comes with too much paperwork. What do I have to do to unsubscribe?

posted by Bunny at 10:51 PM

Saturday, August 14, 2004

This message will self-destruct in ten seconds... not
Finally my black eye has receded to being a mere extension of the dark circle around my left eye. No more covering up the bruise with lots of make-up. It's about time that people stop looking at me in a funny way because I am wearing sunglasses in the rain.
I will miss feeling like a spy though.

posted by Bunny at 7:49 PM

Friday, August 13, 2004

Five days of Brussels without having eaten a single morsel of chocolate. Willpower galore!
Running around in Brussels and looking for apartments in either smoldering heat or cold rain is a thing of the past. The trade-off between high rents and having to accept cockroaches as roomies is quite a thing to ponder upon so that it took me until now to decide on an apartment. I indulged my hedonistic side and got myself a freshly renovated, furnished apartment close to one of Brussels' bigger city parks. My sensible self constantly mutters something about a waste of money but is easily silenced when I remind it that the other option would be lying on what people tend to do to mattresses besides sleeping on them.

It was a difficult decision. I'm not good with choices; options are my kryptonite. Convincing the sensible part of my brain wasn't very hard because it isn't very large anyway and is easily drowned out: internal democracy at its best. What caused more trouble were the sensible selfs outside of my head, aka parents. In their opinion I should shun all comforts in life and start to save all of my income right away lest I find myself sleeping under a bridge in ten years.

Now that I don't have to worry about eating roaches in my sleep in the future, I can focus on some more pleasant tasks. I've only managed to drink three kinds of beers in five days so far. Tonight is the time to change that. I'll order a Hoegaarden (and a bunch of other beers) and drink to the health of the most charming blossom in NY and all my readers. Cheers.

posted by Bunny at 6:52 PM

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

The Belgian keyboard makes me feel like a dyslexic
I tell people that my objective for the trip to Brussels is finding an apartment but it really is trying a minimum of one Belgian beer per day. The German purity law wouldn't consider most of them to be beers due to their additional ingredients but peach flavored beer is very good. You can also find a couple of beers with an alcohol content of over 8 percent.
What I'm still suspicious of, though, is chocolate flavored beer. It sounds like a delicacy invented solely for the benefit of seeing tourists' amusing facial expressions.

posted by Bunny at 7:52 AM

Saturday, August 07, 2004

My subconscious apparently goes to great lengths in order to find something I can blog about
A good way to start the weekend might include items such as "Sleeping in", "Getting up at noon" and "taking a long shower". What it explicitly excludes is "getting a black eye". Some of the more sympathetic readers will probably enquire after my well-being but I suspect the majority will scream for pictures of my deformed face and a tale of domestic violence. Sorry to let you down but no photos. Here's the story:

The combination of low blood pressure and getting up too quickly usually causes only a short moment of loss of vision but today my body decided to try something different. I collapsed and hit something solid face first. After pressing a bag of ice against my eye for about an hour, the swelling has receded to a level where I can use my left eye again. My stupid body couldn't have chosen a worse day for self-inflicted injuries. I wonder how many people let an apartment to a girl who, by the look of it, gets into fist fights a lot?

posted by Bunny at 12:43 PM

Friday, August 06, 2004

A long and tedious story of my university student life
I expect more interesting times to come. And by "interesting" I mean frustrating. Next week I'll start looking for an apartment in Brussels. Add a limited budget with that and blend to make it a nerve-wrecking experience of a life time. Let me recount my last apartment hunt:

France, 2002: TJ and I naively expected finding an apartment to be a painless experience which would take two or three days. With the even more limited budget of two exchange students, we were shown a fine assortment of rat holes. In our youthful optimism, however, we never lost the conviction that the right apartment was out there somewhere if we just looked hard enough.

We found an ad for a cheap furnished apartment. We immediately contacted the landlady who was nice enough to arrange a meeting that evening. We arrived at the address on time and waited for half an hour without anybody showing up. After a while a homeless lady approached us.

Life hadn't been kind to her. One of her buck teeth was black and she had a squint so strong that it must have interfered with her stereoscopic vision. Her clothes screamed "crack whore". I almost said "Sorry, I don’t have any small change" before she introduced herself as the landlady.

When she opened the door of the apartment the odor of mildew and dirt wafted into the hall. We passed spotty walls which had large pieces of rotten wallpaper coming down. The trash on the floor made crunching noises under our soles. We made a stop in the kitchen where she rubbed the blackened surface of the hot plates while she explained to us that "The apartment needed to be clean up a little."
A moldy, rectangular piece of rubber foam was propped against a kitchen wall. The scary landlady referred to it as "one of the beds". We left in a hurry and never called her back.

Our search appeared to have ended when we found an apartment that was situated perfectly. The landlord couldn't show it to us because he was on vacation but he assured us that he would send pictures and the contract soon. Satisfied, we returned to Germany.

It was weeks later that the landlord realized that he had mistaken us with another pair of German exchanged students that were also interested in the apartment. Needless to say that we drove to France for a second time.

Second attempt: Another apartment that we wanted to see led to another encounter with the not-so-homeless queen of rat holes. She didn't recognize us (Kids, remember: drugs are bad for the brain!). We had to go through the process of looking at rotting wall paper again. I must have been involved in some kind of genocide in a previous life in order to amass such a bad karma.

posted by Bunny at 11:43 AM

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

It's not the pain I mind, it's the ineffectiveness
Today I ventured to make my first experience with waxing because a small amount of pain seemed to be a small price for being excused of shaving every day for 3-4 weeks. Being a natural wimp I wanted to conduct a dry run before ripping off large patches of skin. So I purchased the smallest variety of cold wax strips and tried it on my leg. The results were less than satisfactory. So I moved on to trying the strips on my upper lip.
The few hairs on my lip can hardly be called a mustache but they show if you hover right above my face. Black hair tends to show, no matter how little of it there is to be detected. That time the wax hurt as hell and my lip instantly got red and irritated. At least it worked but I had my hands covered in sticky goo.
In the end I decided to stick to shaving my legs until I can afford to have them waxed professionally. And if I ever feel like having an itchy, swollen lip again, I have 18 strips left to repeat the process. This means I will never ever have a hint of a mustache again. Not that anybody would notice... except for my dentist perhaps.

posted by Bunny at 12:02 AM

Monday, August 02, 2004

New phase in my life, new design of my blog
As you can see I decided to clean up my template, or rather, I convinced my dear brother that it would be much more agreeable for him if I weren't to whine about my blog for the rest of my stay.
I was very helpful in giving him specifications as vague as "something Japanese and minimalist" until we ended up with "something Brazilian and flashy". Admittedly green and yellow were the last two colors I expected to see on my blog but it looks great so that I wasn't sorry to say goodbye to pastel colors and grey.
And after all, the most important thing didn't change: the bunny stays with me!

posted by Bunny at 2:31 AM

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